The devil's goal is to destroy your life on earth and to discredit the cause of Christ through you. You can check out more details on the book at . REALITY 3 Your Foe Is Formidable Here's the most troubling news. A pastor for over thirty-five years, Chip is the author of many books, including Discover Your True Self, Marriage That Works, Culture Shock, The Real Heaven, The Real God, The Invisible War, and Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships. While I haven’t read tons of books on this topics, among those I have read, I would recommend this book as the most balanced and scripturally grounded. Chip Ingram is the founder and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. It truly brought this passage to life for me.
I was pleasantly surprised at the depth each chapter uncovered on how these pieces of armor would have been understood by 1st century Christians given the Roman soldiers use of such armor. Much of the book focuses on Ephesians 6 and the armor of God, with each piece of armor receiving it’s own chapter.
This makes the book an incredible resource on the topic of spiritual warfare. This book is broken down into 4 sections, with each section receiving an executive summary of the main ideas with all the pertinent Bible verses at the beginning. Chip Ingram’s book on a Christian’s spiritual battle between Satan and his evil forces is a balanced take between the extremism of seeing a demon under every rock or ruling out the existence of demons altogether.